FCS student teacher excited to work with FCCLA

Isabelle Guinn | illustration editor

Student teacher Emily Woodall enters the semester with lots of passion and experience in her subject.

Throughout the spring semester, Woodall will work as a student teacher under family and consumer science teacher Diane Breiner. 

Woodall says she is already very involved in FCS education. “I am a part of our family consumer science education organization. We meet, we kind of develop our own skills that we don’t get inside our own classes, but also to learn about our own development. We go to a lot of different meetings. We’re going to a State Leadership Conference for our FCCLA. That’s part of our own little requirement.”

She said she loves being in a small school. “I came to a small school because I was on the outskirts of Salina, so it’s like right in the Southeast of Saline district. It’s a nice big 3A school. Now I’m going to K-State. It’s a big school, so I’m excited to be back into that smaller atmosphere where there’s more community.”

Student teacher Emily Woodall prepares babies for FCS students to take home as a class assignment. Woodall will be teaching Diane Breiner’s FCS classes this semester.

Originally, Woodall planned to study interior design. “I made the switch right before the semester started, so I didn’t see myself doing it, but I loved FCS. So I’m like, we’re gonna give this go. I didn’t know how I felt about teaching, but at the moment I started it, I loved every bit of it.”

She said she’s passionate about several parts of the FCS curriculum. “I love how we talk about finances. We talk about human growth and the body, even the culinary side, how we cook, how the science can go all behind the baking and everything. I love all the little bits and pieces of it. So when I wanted to do something other than interior design, this is something that I considered because there’s a part of interior design in it. It’s a little part, but it’s still a part of it.”

Some of her hobbies outside of school include cooking, hanging out with her fiancé and drawing. She loves reading, although at the moment she isn’t reading any books, however she is looking forward to reading “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros.

One issue Woodall has experienced is learning everyone’s name. “It’s not easy. I just mess up only a couple of different people’s names. But I’m getting there. I put away my cheat sheet so I could practice. It’s like once you start having siblings your mom will start calling them the wrong names.”

Woodall did FCCLA as well in high school. “I started my freshman year. I was a part of our parliamentary procedure for two years and then I did interior design for my last two years. We went to Nationals both years for parliamentary procedure. I made it up to state my third year with interior design. Unfortunately, I got beat, but I still went to Nationals and I joined another team that lost one of theirs so it made it easier on them.”

Duties Woodall has in the classroom include grading and in the beginning weeks, integrating herself into the classroom, learning the environment and learning the students. “In the next week or two, I’ll start taking over from Mrs. Breiner, and I’ll be doing the lessons. I’ll be creating them, working with her, developing and gaining my own confidence within the lessons.”

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